74 ~ A doorstep thing - taking my turn.

A reminder to consider surprising a neighbor with a small gift of something you’ve made (maybe food, maybe something else).  See notes and encouragement in my previous post, August 14.  Could either just leave it on their doorstep, or give a knock on the door.  If you send me a pic of your offering of guerilla generosity and community, I’ll post and share it here.

Yesterday afternoon, I left for my neighbors Allen & Judy a sample of kimchi  - part of a batch made last week with this fine group, and fun, at Folklore Village:

I first put the jar with a note on Allen & Judy’s doorstep, then also gave a knock in case they were home.  Allen answered - suitably donned in a Folklore Village t!

Dem blue heron blues

In the morning yesterday, I seized upon a gentle rain to send some casts, like prayers, for trout in the stream near the house.  I received no responses from trout, but I did run into the competition, wading like me mid-stream – a great blue heron.  As I approached and time came for it to beat a retreat and leave the trout to me, it proved too weak to fly.  So I gathered it up – careful to control the business end of a heron, which is its dagger-like beak.  I then delivered it to the wildlife rehab center at the Dane County Humane Society in Madison.

In a couple of days I should know the center’s diagnosis of the bird.  My best guess now is that it’s a recently fledged juvenile, who hasn’t quite figured out how to adequately feed itself, and is weak with hunger.  This wouldn’t be unusual - something in the order of 80% of the young of larger species of birds – hawks, herons and the like – do not make it to see their 1st birthdays.  I’ll let you know once I learn more about the prognosis for this heron.

In the meantime, make like a Huron and leave a gift for a neighbor.


Tonight - talk by Rob Greenfield


73 ~ Audience participation!: Doing a doorstep thing.