Tonight - talk by Rob Greenfield

Dear Bird in the Bushers,

My apologies for not alerting you to this sooner! For those in my area, this evening at 6:30 pm, north of Spring Green, at the beautiful Octagon Barn ( E4350 Horseshoe Road, Spring Green) there will be a talk by this iconoclastic, minimalsit, feed-yourself and save-our-planet character:

It’s one in a series of the 2022 Morrill Lectures - with many thanks to Stefanie Morrill for putting them together (and to the late Josh Morrill for inspiring them). The event is free (including homemade desserts!), with just goodwill donations accepted if so moved.

It’s sure to be fun, inspirational and educational. Hope to see some of you there. With weather like this, I’m sure you don’t have competing plans outdoors this evening… (rest assured, Rob Greenfield’s talk will be inside the barn).


75 ~ Apples of my I


74 ~ A doorstep thing - taking my turn.