“The oldest task in human history is to live
on a piece of land without spoiling it.”
- Aldo Leopold
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85 ~ Some March public service announcements
I’m happy to report that as the remnants of snow recede, the maple trees continue to respond…

80 ~ Tracking maple syrup through the kimchi garden of delights (and you can join!)
Tapping in to tell you about some talks and classes I’ll be giving in 2023…

74 ~ A doorstep thing - taking my turn.
A reminder to consider surprising a neighbor with a small gift of something you’ve made…

59 ~ Cows and trout. Or, ‘brook trout’ by any other name.
In this heart of winter, I’ll brighten things up with a revisit to the subject of trout, via a piece I recently published about chasing trout in the Swiss Alps…