“The oldest task in human history is to live
on a piece of land without spoiling it.”
- Aldo Leopold
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39 ~ Assisting the flow
Greetings. These warmer temperatures have stimulated some generous flows of sap from the maples…
38 ~ Collecting the good.
Thanks for everyone’s caption suggestions for the eaglet photo. That was fun. A couple of days ago (Thursday) came the event that traditionally marks the arrival (or at least approach!) of spring in my annual cycle…
36 ~ Cycles of life, and interruption of an eagle life
Greetings at sunrise as I write this, at -16F (-26.5C) here at the farm. Just took the photo above from the back deck.
Cycles have been on my mind lately. The pandemic lockdown has been a gift in the way…
35 ~ Eagle, wolf, moon.
On Monday my head was pulled up from a book by the return home of my housemate Jeff, bearing urgent news of an adult bald eagle along the road in front of the house, unable to fly…
34 ~ In hard times, softness.
Dear readers, welcome to 2021! Well, let’s see what this trip around the sun brings… As this new year unfolds, and we navigate both political tensions and ongoing efforts to alleviate Covid-19, I’ll share a couple of brief ‘guest editorials’ gleaned from readings this week…
33 ~ The bounty of winter, and no GS.
As I start to write this on a late December afternoon, the winter sky like a watercolor, nuthatches and downy woodpeckers outside the window drill into chunks of rich, white suet from a doe I shot a couple of weeks ago. An hour earlier I watched two golden eagles…
32 ~ Good eatings
I write with hopes that my fellow American friends had a fine, even if somewhat different, Thanksgiving holiday last week. I was alone here at the farmhouse, but I didn’t let that stop me from a good meal…
31 ~ Remembering connection, with gratitude.
Greetings. I’m just back from a morning of deer hunting in the snow, in the woods up behind the house. As I write this I’m warming up by the fire, with a hot coffee and some plum schnapps from Switzerland…
29 ~ Feral apples and first milk
Greetings! My apologies for the recent bout of silence. I’ve been traveling the last couple of weeks, and so doing more ‘watching out the window’ than writing to the page…
28 ~ Welcome back
These have not been easy days since my brother Jim’s death a few weeks ago, and one thing I can do for my soul is return to the slipstream of writing…