34 ~ In hard times, softness.

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Dear readers, welcome to 2021!  Well, let’s see what this trip around the sun brings…

As this new year unfolds, and we navigate both political tensions and ongoing efforts to alleviate Covid-19, I’ll share a couple of brief ‘guest editorials’ gleaned from readings this week. 

This first is from 365 Tao, by Deng Ming Dao (thanks Tom and Tony).  I found it remarkably timely for this time of unease both political and pandemic. It’s also something of a Rorschach ink blot (just another sort of more organized ink), and you may find in it other meanings for your life at the moment.


I’m just emerging from several days of reflection, and visioning the year ahead.  This is a personal tradition during the several days on either side of January 1.  I’m pulled much more toward introversion than communal celebration at the New Year.  It’s a time to quietly draw back the bow, reflecting on lessons from the year past, and looking into the year ahead. 

The dead of winter is a good time for this - especially for me, a dedicated winterphile. I have never met a winter that was too long, too snowy or too cold, and I never will.  Given that not all of us feel the same(!), I’ll share this other reading (thanks, Corina), about the gift of winter – and exactly in line with my energy of the past couple of weeks (from Melody Beattie’s Journey to the Heart).

Be well, all. Remember, hard times are softened from within.


35 ~ Eagle, wolf, moon.


33 ~ The bounty of winter, and no GS.