30 ~ Beauty in the beast
Leaves by the Holy, assembly by Bill
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” -Albert Camus
October is a transition month, between the energetic activity of summer, and the coming peace and slumber of winter. It is a time of profound beauty, and also challenge - there is sadness with the beauty. The brilliance of the leaves is also the color of death and loss.
I’ve read that over the course of the year, those who suffer from bi-polar depression typically face their greatest difficulty in the transition months of October and March/April. I certainly often skirt the edges in October. It’s as if my body and soul draw in, withdraw to rest, between summer’s long days of work and the onset of winter’s demands on survival. As I once explained to my brother Tom, I love October as a concept, just less so in reality.
Over the years I’ve learned to dance with it instead of against it, to lean into it - or on it - as a time of solitude, rest, and introspection. A month of hibernation, of drawing back the bow. October is a time to listen and watch more than speak - listening to ourselves and to Camus, and watching the beauty, to support our restoration.
In line with that, I’ll leave it here for now, and wish you your own restful autumnal quiet.
What I’m listening to and can recommend:
Given the beautiful responses and comments on my recent post about grief (28 - Welcome back), and that autumn is a time of death for many things, I can recommend Martín Prechtel’s profound CD on the topic, “Grief and Praise”. You’ll find ordering information if you scroll down a bit here.