42 ~ This Saturday, something from my day job

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Dear Bird-in-the-Bushers,

In post 42, some of you may have hoped to find the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Alas, I’m still searching for that myself (and I’m enjoying the treasure hunt with you).

Still, I hope this finds you well. This morning I saw kingfishers courting in flight, the green noses of my daffodils have finally poked through the soil, and red-tailed hawks are on their eggs.  The wheel is turning, as it does every day, every moment, even if we don’t always feel it.

My other work, when not writing this blog and other things, involves the conservation of a beautiful, somewhat mysterious large mammal, which is endemic to forests of Laos and Vietnam.  If you’d like to learn more, check out this one-hour event on Saturday.  Information below. -Bill

Dear friends of Saola,

Please join us Saturday, March 27th for a free, online presentation by Saola Foundation President Bill Robichaud, “The Saola in Lao and Vietnamese culture”. Bill’s talk will describe some fascinating aspects of Saola in the art and belief systems of Laos and Vietnam.  You can find your local time for the talk below.

Although Saola first came to the attention of scientists and the outside world only in 1992, local people in the Annamite Mountains have, of course, known the animal for a very, very long time. In fact, the first known records of the species date back thousands, not tens, of years. Bill’s talk will draw from his many years of field work in the villages and forests of the Saola’s range.

To join the presentation on Saturday, just use this Zoom link:


Meeting ID: 920 1254 3761

Passcode: 191080

The main program will last about an hour.  We’ll open the virtual doors 20 minutes early, so people can say hello, and test Zoom settings.  
We’d be grateful if you would help spread news of the talk through your networks.  Hope to see you there!

United States and Canada:
Pacific: 8:30 am
Mountain: 9:30 am
Central: 10:30 am
Eastern: 11:30 am
United Kingdom (GMT+0): 15:30
most of continental Europe: 16:30
Lao/Vietnam/Thailand: 22:30
Singapore: 23:30

The Saola Foundation Team


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Talk reminder, this morning


41 ~ Equinox, equilibrium, and glad tidings of eagles