Talk reminder, this morning

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Hi All,

On this rainy day (at least here in Wisconsin), if you’re looking for something to do, my Zoom talk stats at 10:30 am Central (Saturday). Bird really in the bush, but elsewhere than the Driftless.

Connection details below - no registration required.

The Saola in Lao and Vietnamese Culture

Please join us on Saturday, March 27 for this free, live, online presentation by Bill Robichaud, President of the Saola Foundation for Annamite Mountains Conservation. Bill’s talk will draw from his years of work in the Saola’s range, and reveal some interesting aspects of Saola in the history and cultures of Lao and Vietnam.  

You'll find local times for the talk below, and a Zoom link to join at that time. The main program will last about an hour, including time for questions. We’ll open the virtual doors 20 minutes early for people who wish to say hello. 

Please help spread news of Bill's talk through your networks, and hope to see you there!

The Saola Foundation Team

Zoom link: 

Meeting ID: 920 1254 3761

Passcode: 191080


United States and Canada:

Pacific: 8:30 am

Mountain: 9:30 am

Central: 10:30 am

Eastern: 11:30 am



United Kingdom (GMT+0): 15:30

most of continental Europe: 16:30



Lao/Vietnam/Thailand: 22:30

Singapore: 23:30


43 ~ When you thought you’ve seen it all…


42 ~ This Saturday, something from my day job