“The oldest task in human history is to live
on a piece of land without spoiling it.”
- Aldo Leopold
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99 ~ Watching Dylan hunt, and the nature of taking a life
Opening day of the Wisconsin gun deer season is this Saturday…

98 ~ And the winners are…
Our first Bird in the Bush raffle was both fun and quite successful…

97 ~ Announcing a Bird in the Bush raffle!
As you know, dear readers, I keep our Bird in the Bush blog community free of ads…

96 ~ A hoot! (or two)
Last July, Madison Magazine ran an invited essay I wrote, “Three Years Without Groceries”…

95 ~ Harvest feasts, harvest gifts, and the universe of shimmer
Happy Harvest “Supermoon” everyone. A nice thing about producing your own food is the opportunity to share it…

94 ~ Some autumnal learning opportunities
A great teacher is defined not just by what they know…

93 ~ A few lines composed above the compost bin
“And when he glimpses his compost come to fruition for the first time, he kisses his fingers to his lips…

92 ~ Sauerkraut & kimchi time again, and postcards from the western road.
Next Sunday afternoon, August 13, please join me at Folklore Village near Dodgeville…

91 ~ A man and his olive oil – and maybe yours.
Greetings, dear readers. I’m tapping in with some good news, & sad news…

89 ~ Notes from the American road
I’m recently home from a three-week road trip, with Appalachia at its heart…

88 ~ Secret wars, secret creatures, and hope
Today, April 17, is the 50th anniversary of an event of considerable historical significance, yet little noted…