92 ~ Sauerkraut & kimchi time again, and postcards from the western road.
Next Sunday afternoon, August 13, please join me at Folklore Village near Dodgeville as we get earthy and learn to make homemade kraut and kimchi. The benefits of raw, fermented vegetables are legion, and the ‘special K’s’ are simple and fun to make.
We’ll gather for a few hours for a hands-on and hands-in workshop, and you’ll take home some of the finished product we’ll make together. We had a lot of fun at last year’s class (photo above). For more information, and to register, please click here.
Olive oil update: For those who placed orders for my nephew Keegan’s olive oil, I’ll alert you as soon as the shipment arrives.
In other news, last Thursday, after 29 days and 5,116 miles, Subaru Outback and I returned home from a road trip through, mostly, the mountain west – a loop through the corners of South Dakota and Nebraska, then on to Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and back home through North Dakota. It was a mix of work and personal visits, and wandering explorations in search of wild trout. The journey sorted out as about 1/3 stays with friends, 1/3 streamside camping and 1/3 here-and-there motels. I’ll share some ‘postcards’ from the trip below.
What I’m ‘reading’ and can recommend:
Keeping me company on the long drives was the voice of “The Boss” - Bruce Springsteen on audiobook reading his 2016 memoir, Born to Run. It is fantastic. Large. Profound, yet vulnerable - and about much more than ‘just’ music and his life in it. It may also be the most creatively, poetically written autobiography I’ve ever picked up. An inspiring surprise.
And now, from Asbury Park, NJ to the western road:
Native Cutthroat Trout, Wasatch Range, Utah.
Welcome to the mountain west!
With 3-time national fly fishing champion Lance Egan (left), at the fly fishing shop he manages in Orem, Utah.
Sixth Water Creek, Utah (Brown Trout).
A trout artist before the canvas: Where lie those beauties? Hoback River, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Prospecting for trout, Granite Creek, Wyoming.
Sunset on the Tetons; Wyoming.
Lunch along the Gros Ventre River, Wyoming.
The first 5 minutes of my life fishing in Montana: A 15-inch ‘cutbow’ - Cutthroat/Rainbow natural hybrid.
Native American pictograph of a bison, Little Belt Mountains, Montana.
Moonrise and camp, Middle Fork of the Judith River, Montana.