“The oldest task in human history is to live
on a piece of land without spoiling it.”
- Aldo Leopold
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64 ~ Welcome, Sugar Moon
March is the month God created to show people who don’t drink what a hangover is like. – Garrison Keillor.

63 ~ Some fine farewells to February
There is still some wonder left in this winter. First, sugaring season is here!…

62 ~ Olive of my eye.
It’s no secret that Italy produces some of the world’s finest olive oil…

61 ~ There are snow peas, and snow beans…
It was bitingly cold again yesterday, with the visible world pressed between a low gray sky and an equally dull remnant of old snow. Not even the crows were about. I took to the trellises to harvest beans…

60 ~ First sign of spring! Sort of…
A couple of days ago, on Thursday, with the temp here below 0F…

59 ~ Cows and trout. Or, ‘brook trout’ by any other name.
In this heart of winter, I’ll brighten things up with a revisit to the subject of trout, via a piece I recently published about chasing trout in the Swiss Alps…

58 ~ Two years, many thanks
Well, here we are – today marks the second anniversary of the last time I grocery shopped….

57 ~ Holy leftovers
I was born, baptized and confirmed in the One, Holy, Apostolic and Catholic Church - have my ticket punched to heaven. Although I don’t subscribe today to the specifics of the Church’s dogma, I still enjoy returning to Mass on occasion…

56 ~ Thanksgiving afterglow
Here’s hoping you had a fine Thanksgiving, and it left in its wake even more stirrings of gratitude.

55 ~ Trout: A love story (with apologies to Michael Perry)
As the alchemy of fall burnishes the Driftless hills to copper and gold, I’m getting back to writing more, to my own attempt at alchemy.

Annoucement: Fomenting a fermentation
Greetings all. Of late I’ve been doing more traveling and trout fishing than writing, and hope to be back in the groove soon. In the meantime, tapping in to let you know…