54 ~ Weaving life
Greetings all. Tapping in with a quick note about my daughter, Alonda, who is a master weaver. She’s half-Lao, and given that the main art form of Laos is exquisite weaving, loom work might be in her DNA. She’s certainly good at it.
She wove the lovely piece above to raffle as a fund-raiser for the group she volunteers for, Food Not Bombs (see this recent post). It’s cotton and linen, about 12” x 24”. It could be used as a wall hanging, or a table or other furniture decoration or runner (or a very large placemat the next time royalty visits your home).
If you’d like a chance to win this original artwork, raffle tickets are $10 each, and the raffle closes Monday evening (the drawing will be made that night). To participate, you can send $10 per ticket to Alonda by PayPal at alondarobichaud@gmail.com, or by Venmo to “robchod”, and she’ll get you entered for each ticket. On behalf of her and FNB, thank you!
On Sunday, I’ll host here at the farmhouse a hybrid (in-person and Zoom) memorial gathering for my late brother, Jim (with deep gratitude to the neighbors and friends who have helped me with the preps). Your good thoughts for both of us would be appreciated. His path and spirit may be a weaving still on the loom.
With blessings to us all.
James Arthur Robichaud, June 1, 1956 - August, 2020.