“The oldest task in human history is to live
on a piece of land without spoiling it.”
- Aldo Leopold
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31 ~ Remembering connection, with gratitude.
Greetings. I’m just back from a morning of deer hunting in the snow, in the woods up behind the house. As I write this I’m warming up by the fire, with a hot coffee and some plum schnapps from Switzerland…

29 ~ Feral apples and first milk
Greetings! My apologies for the recent bout of silence. I’ve been traveling the last couple of weeks, and so doing more ‘watching out the window’ than writing to the page…

28 ~ Welcome back
These have not been easy days since my brother Jim’s death a few weeks ago, and one thing I can do for my soul is return to the slipstream of writing…

27 ~ Turning
Welcome to August. Today brings the full moon, the Sturgeon Moon (no such thing as a Trout Moon I guess). While it’s not actually the last full moon of summer., it feels like it, especially as it’s being reinforced by a week of cooler weather. This morning, I can feel the turn toward autumn…

26 ~ In this together
Greetings. Many thanks to all who joined together and contributed ideas for the ‘desert island shopping list’. Here’s a summary of the results…

25 ~ Brook no imitation
Last Tuesday morning I returned to the ‘Taliesen stream’, the clear little ribbon near Spring Green that recently offered up a few brook trout, all of which I had to release. This time I hoped to find a brown trout for my dinner…

23 ~ Audience participation!
Greetings! It’s been a week of firsts here along the creekbank, mainly as things burst from the garden on the heels of a spell of hot weather…

22 ~ Milestone, without millstone
Last week I reached a milestone of sorts - six months since I last went grocery shopping…

21 ~ We, the Sentinelese
North Sentinel Island is a 23 square mile (59 km2) ‘postage stamp’ of forest and coral reefs in the Andaman archipelago of the Bay of Bengal. The island is home to a group of indigenous people who have had almost no contact with the outside world..