“The oldest task in human history is to live

on a piece of land without spoiling it.”

- Aldo Leopold

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25 ~ Brook no imitation
Bird Bird

25 ~ Brook no imitation

Last Tuesday morning I returned to the ‘Taliesen stream’, the clear little ribbon near Spring Green that recently offered up a few brook trout, all of which I had to release.  This time I hoped to find a brown trout for my dinner…

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15 ~ Homage to opening day
Bird Bird

15 ~ Homage to opening day

Last Saturday morning I was in the car at 4 am, heading west, deeper into the Driftless Area. I love driving through the Wisconsin countryside at that hour - nearly alone on the quiet roads, and watching the night lift as the day world slowly comes alive. By 5:30, I was pulling on waders in the soft early light near a favorite stream, for opening day of the Wisconsin trout season…

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