“The oldest task in human history is to live
on a piece of land without spoiling it.”
- Aldo Leopold
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105 ~ Spring update: of dark syrup, pale fowl, a perpetual garden and artists in a prairie
After the snows of early April (we had more snow here in April than in February), the world has finally, resolutely made its turn to spring…

17 ~ Auction!
From the beginning, it has been my intention to shield this blog, and you, dear readers, from surveillance capitalism…

16 ~ Dark elixir, and the largesse of May
With the arrival of some warming days in early May, the flow of birch sap finally ceased. The tally of my joint effort with the trees is a mere 5.5 pints (2.6 liters) of syrup from 83 gallons (314 liters) of sap collected from about a dozen white birches – a ratio of 121:1 of sap to syrup (compared with about 30:1 for maple sugaring). This was my first foray into birch syrup, and the result is amazing, its rarity fitting…

8 ~ Day 99
Today marks the 99th day since I last went grocery shopping… It’s remarkable how much food I continue to find, mainly just looking among – and getting a bit creative with - my cupboard and freezer. A loaves and fishes experience…