“The oldest task in human history is to live

on a piece of land without spoiling it.”

- Aldo Leopold

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35 ~ Eagle, wolf, moon.
Bird Bird

35 ~ Eagle, wolf, moon.

On Monday my head was pulled up from a book by the return home of my housemate Jeff, bearing urgent news of an adult bald eagle along the road in front of the house, unable to fly…

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17 ~ Auction!
Bird Bird

17 ~ Auction!

From the beginning, it has been my intention to shield this blog, and you, dear readers, from surveillance capitalism…

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15 ~ Homage to opening day
Bird Bird

15 ~ Homage to opening day

Last Saturday morning I was in the car at 4 am, heading west, deeper into the Driftless Area. I love driving through the Wisconsin countryside at that hour - nearly alone on the quiet roads, and watching the night lift as the day world slowly comes alive. By 5:30, I was pulling on waders in the soft early light near a favorite stream, for opening day of the Wisconsin trout season…

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14 ~ Amish arc
Bird Bird

14 ~ Amish arc

Early this week, in a respite of fair weather between damp cold of last week and a forecast of warmer yet rainy days, I put in a big push and planted early, cool season vegetables… Most of the vegetable starts I put in are Amish-born…

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8 ~ Day 99
foraging Bird foraging Bird

8 ~ Day 99

Today marks the 99th day since I last went grocery shopping… It’s remarkable how much food I continue to find, mainly just looking among – and getting a bit creative with - my cupboard and freezer. A loaves and fishes experience…

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