“Saola Stories” update


Last updated February 16, 2025

Crowdfunding goal: $25,000 by January 13, 2025.

We have reached - and even surpassed - the goal!!

I am inspired by, and deeply grateful for, the generous responses of so many lovers of Saola and believers in this project. Seventy people contributed, from all over the world. I had no idea what to expect when I started the campaign and gave it a try, and your response means a lot, to me personally and I hope also for Saola. This book has become a community, and for that I thank you all.

Here’s the final status as of today, February 16 - with abundant thanks to these generous friends of Saola and its home of the Annamite Mountains:

“Saola Stories” contributions:

Eleanor Briggs: $5,000

Bob Hillis: $5,000

Steven & Karin Chase: $2,500

David Karnos: $2,000

Anonymous: $1,000

George Archibald: $1,000

Kris Karnos: $1,000

Randy Kirk: $1,000

Mike McQuestion: $1,000

Bjorn Olesen: $1,000

Marty Talbot: $1,000

Anne Robichaud & family: $623

Corina Cathomen: $500

James Keene: $500

Charles McCaffree: $500

Ginny Whitelaw: $500

Jack Tordoff: $482

Pao Vue: $400

Brent Huffman: $342

Alex Diment: $250

Chrissie Tarbitt: $250

Michele Thompson: $250

Bryan & Christine Carroll: $227

Michael Agneta: $200

Perri Black: $200

Paul Bunker: $200

David Edinger: $200

Forrest Galante: $200

Gordon Greene: $200

Troy Hansel: $200

Jeremy Holden: $200

Andy Holman: $200

Rachell Maffitt & Jack Johnson: $200

Howard Olson: $200

Bryan Stuart: $200

Dennis Tirman: $200

Mai Der Vang: $200

Loren Wagner: $200

Tony Zola: $200

Neil Furey: $100

Greg & Linda Jones: $100

Kersey Lawrence & Lee Gutteridge: $100

Matt Nelson: $100

Karen Poly: $100

Tom & Melissa Putzer: $100

Stephen Sparkes: $100

Mike Fernette: $97

Mary McCoy: $80

Harald Rösch: $70

Robert Russell: $70

Corey Chimko: $55

Cristopher Anderson: $50

Gary Batters: $50

Barb Bickford: $50

Eric Barrão Ruivo: $50

Mary Behan: $50

Daniel Galvet: $50

Jeremy Hance: $50

Dave Haskin & Mary Michal: $50

Steve Lanum: $50

Graham Sibley: $50

Mark & Callie Steffen: $50

Aszya Summers: $50

Vinya Sysamouth: $50

Dave Wienkes: $50

Mark Sidel: $25

Total as of February 16: $31,271

in gratitude!!

- Bill Robichaud


115 ~ Thankful for some things Wisconsin: Leopold and Wright


114 ~ Fishing with Maria