“Saola Stories” update
Last updated December 24, 2024
Crowdfunding goal: $25,000 by January 12, 2025.
We’ve already received more than $23,000! This is fantastic.
The response of so many lovers of Saola and believers in this project has been extraordinary, and inspirational (for more information about the project, please see here).
And more good news: The first public reading of the ‘work in progress’ has already been scheduled, for the evening of March 7, at Arcadia Books in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Headlining the event will be an award-winning Hmong-American poet, Mai Der Vang, whose new, forthcoming collection has as its theme… Saola! I’ll start the evening with a brief reading from my own Saola work-in-progress - a work made possible with your support. This book is a community - thank you.
Here’s the status as of today, December 24 - with abundant thanks to these generous friends of Saola and its home of the Annamite Mountains:
“Saola Stories” contributions:
Eleanor Briggs: $5,000
Bob Hillis: $5,000
David Karnos: $2,000
George Archibald: $1,000
Kris Karnos: $1,000
Mike McQuestion: $1,000
Bjorn Olesen: $1,000
Marty Talbot: $1000
James Keene: $500
Ginny Whitelaw: $500
Jack Tordoff: $482
Brent Huffman: $342
Alex Diment: $250
Chrissie Tarbitt: $250
Michele Thompson: $250
Michael Agneta: $200
Paul Bunker: $200
David Edinger: $200
Forrest Galante: $200
Gordon Greene: $200
Troy Hansel: $200
Andy Holman: $200
Howard Olson: $200
Bryan Stuart: $200
Dennis Tirman: $200
Mai Der Vang: $200
Loren Wagner: $200
Tony Zola: $200
Perri Black: $100
Neil Furey: $100
Greg & Linda Jones: $100
Matt Nelson: $100
Karen Poly: $100
Tom & Melissa Putzer: $100
Stephen Sparkes: $100
Mary McCoy: $80
Harald Rösch: $70
Robert Russell: $70
Corey Chimko: $55
Cristopher Anderson: $50
Barb Bickford: $50
Eric Barrão Ruivo: $50
Mary Behan: $50
Jeremy Hance: $50
Dave Haskin & Mary Michal: $50
Steve Lanum: $50
Graham Sibley: $50
Mark & Callie Steffen: $50
Aszya Summers: $50
Vinya Sysamouth: $50
Dave Wienkes: $50
Daniel Galvet: $25
Mark Sidel: $25
Total as of December 24: $23,799
Less than $1500 to go to the crowdfunding goal! Your help to get the last of the way will be deeply appreciated, and you can contribute, or learn more, here.
in gratitude,
- Bill Robichaud