46 ~ ‘Tis the season(s)!


Greetings everyone,

Welcome to early May, the first flush of abundance, at least for me. Trout season opened on Saturday (May 1), turkey hunting is on, and as they say at this time of year in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, “Es ist Spargel Saison!” (‘It’s asparagus season!’). 

The day earlier this week that I caught my first trout of the year I plucked my first asparagus spear from the garden. It’s also prime time for spring wild edibles – I’ve been digging up wild parsnip roots around the yard.  A couple of nights ago my dinner (above) was a fried brown trout, garden asparagus with homemade butter, and wild parsnips braised with birch syrup.  Life could be worse.

I like the idea of combining in one meal something wild & beautiful, something from the garden, and a weed. There you have each of the Bird in the Bush major food groups.

Eagle update:

Good news – Es ist auch junger Adler Saison! (‘It’s also eaglet season!’).  It seems that incubation at the eagle nest has concluded successfully.  At least one of the adults (presumably the female, who was widowed over the winter) remains in constant attendance on the nest, but no longer sitting tight in incubation.  She now appears to be attending to new small arrivals. Hope springs eternal - especially in, er, spring.  

I hope this finds you discovering your own abundances during this rich and wondrous month.


Announcement: In search of a good person, and a good truck.


45 ~ These days, life’s a birch