“The oldest task in human history is to live

on a piece of land without spoiling it.”

- Aldo Leopold

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110 ~ The big generosity of small friends
Bird Bird

110 ~ The big generosity of small friends

After being housebound with a recent bout of Covid, followed by a visit of a few days by a fine friend from California, I dove into my Subaru Outback for an overnight of car camping and trout fishing. The Wild was calling to reconnect…

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106 ~ We have ignition...
Bird Bird

106 ~ We have ignition...

Late yesterday afternoon, encouraged by the recent alternations of days of rain and sun, I searched for morels for the first time this year…

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101 ~ Lost in space
Bird Bird

101 ~ Lost in space

I have a confession. This forager and wildlife conservationist is distinguished by having the worst sense of direction of anyone I have ever known…

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