“The oldest task in human history is to live
on a piece of land without spoiling it.”
- Aldo Leopold
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72 ~ God bless the neighbors, every one.
Last Monday I returned home at mid-day after a morning of writing at one of my local cafés, and found on my front step a couple of pints of blueberries…
71 ~ Calling all living food aficionados - early bird deadline July 22.
Join me Saturday, August 13, to learn to hands-on to make your own sauerkraut and kimchi, at Folklore Village near Dodgeville.
70~The International Brother(and Sister)hood of Trout, Ramps, and Morels
Last month I had the good fortune to visit Croatia for ten days - my first time in the Balkans…
69 ~ This time of prayer
Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. -Thoreau
67 ~ Invasive species I love
Last February, during a talk I attended at the Wisconsin Garden Expo, the speaker invited the audience to share the names of some of their favorite native plants. One woman nominated watercress…
66 ~ Grounded
This morning I picked up this red-tailed hawk along County Road T, about a mile from the house…
65 ~ Fat living in the lean time (and an olive oil update)
Here in the March lean time, spring has thus far been come-and-go, teasing us and then withdrawing…
64 ~ Welcome, Sugar Moon
March is the month God created to show people who don’t drink what a hangover is like. – Garrison Keillor.
63 ~ Some fine farewells to February
There is still some wonder left in this winter. First, sugaring season is here!…
62 ~ Olive of my eye.
It’s no secret that Italy produces some of the world’s finest olive oil…
61 ~ There are snow peas, and snow beans…
It was bitingly cold again yesterday, with the visible world pressed between a low gray sky and an equally dull remnant of old snow. Not even the crows were about. I took to the trellises to harvest beans…